It is necessary to know how to differentiate well between which it is friendship and sex.
They say the statistics that a person who establishes relations with normality, comes to know 2,000 people to the year, but it is necessary to make clear that what is true friendship, usually they are not had more than six or seven people really friends.
When he is not able to deepen and we think that all the “well-known ones” are our friends, is when the problems from emptiness and insecurity come.
Sex is one of the facets of our life, but when we establish a relation is necessary to know how to differentiate clearly it, because generally, neither we nor the person with which we maintain the contact are really friends.
On the other hand, when a true degree of friendship with another person is obtained, a solid base is created that in a while can happen to contemplate a sexual relation and possibly this will produce in an authentic complete relation and the ample sense of the word.
Today we can see through all means a constant bombing of announcements of relations, that is to say, propose to us to establish a relation of “friendship”, with sexual aims.
This is like all the things, can be good and valid for some, but we must be conscious that if a relation of friendship of this type sets out to us, probably we pruned to establish a sporadic sexual relation, but will be almost impossible that in her we find the authentic friendship.
A form to verify if a sexual relation includes the friendship, is clearing the romantic connections, when we do it, we verified that in most of the cases it is not left anything almost.
Finally, we can add that in the times that run, without entering to think of if is ethically correct or no, relations of “friendship” are created habitually between the young people that finish including sporadic relations of sex and this in many occasions carries problems since the ignorance of the other person and the immaturity that characterizes these relations, can lead to us towards serious misfortunes, some irremediable times.